[2015-Feb-03] FDA approves Ibrance for postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer
[2015-Feb-03] FDA approves Ibrance for postmenopausal women with advanced breast cancer
David W. Fry, Patricia J. Harvey, Paul R. Keller, William L. Elliott, MaryAnne Meade, Erin Trachet, Mudher Albassam, XianXian Zheng, Wilbur R. Leopold, Nancy K. Pryer and Peter L. Toogood, Specific inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 by PD 0332991 and associated antitumor activity in human tumor xenografts, Mol. Cancer Ther., 2004, 3 (11), pp 1427-1437
Peter L. Toogood, Patricia J. Harvey, Joseph T. Repine, Derek J. Sheehan, Scott N. VanderWel, Hairong Zhou, Paul R. Keller, Dennis J. McNamara, Debra Sherry, Tong Zhu, Joanne Brodfuehrer, Chung Choi, Mark R. Barvian, and David W. Fry, Discovery of a Potent and Selective Inhibitor of Cyclin-Dependent Kinase 4/6, J. Med. Chem., 2005, 48 (7), pp 2388–2406
Michal Marzec, Monika Kasprzycka, Raymond Lai, Andrew B. Gladden, Pawel Wlodarski, Ewa Tomczak, Peter Nowell, Samuel E. DePrimo, Seth Sadis, Stephen Eck, Stephen J. Schuster, J. Alan Diehl, and Mariusz A. Wasik, Mantle cell lymphoma cells express predominantly cyclin D1a isoform and are highly sensitive to selective inhibition of CDK4 kinase activity, Blood, 2006, 108 (5), pp 1744-1750
Raya Saab, Jennifer L. Bills, Alexander P. Miceli, Colleen M. Anderson, Joseph D. Khoury, David W. Fry, Fariba Navid, Peter J. Houghton and Stephen X. Skapek, Pharmacologic inhibition of cyclin-dependent kinase 4/6 activity arrests proliferation in myoblasts and rhabdomyosarcoma-derived cells, Mol. Cancer Ther., 2006, 5 (5), pp 1299-1308
Richard S. Finn, Judy Dering, Dylan Conklin, Ondrej Kalous, David J. Cohen, Amrita J. Desai, Charles Ginther, Mohammad Atefi, Isan Chen, Camilla Fowst, Gerret Los and Dennis J. Slamon, PD 0332991, a selective cyclin D kinase 4/6 inhibitor, preferentially inhibits proliferation of luminal estrogen receptor-positive human breast cancer cell lines in vitro, Breast Cancer Res., 2009, 11 (5), R77