FDA Approvals

[2014-Dec-19] FDA approves Rapivab to treat flu infection

아편굴 2014. 12. 27. 22:07

[2014-Dec-19] FDA approves Rapivab to treat flu infection



Y. Sudhakar Babu, Pooran Chand, Shanta Bantia, Pravin Kotian, Ali Dehghani, Yahya El-Kattan, Tsu-Hsing Lin, Tracy L. Hutchison, Arthur J. Elliott, Cynthia D. Parker, Sandya L. Ananth, LaShun L. Horn, Graeme W. Laver, and John A. Montgomery, BCX-1812 (RWJ-270201): Discovery of a Novel, Highly Potent, Orally Active, and Selective Influenza Neuraminidase Inhibitor through Structure-Based Drug Design, J. Med. Chem., 2000, 43 (19), pp 3482-3486
